Spring is right around the corner and your car might need a little brushing up due to the winter kicks. Here’s 5 maintenance tips you can do to gear up your vehicle this season.
  • Check the following: - batteries, plugs, and wires - tire pressure - belts and hoses - brakes - suspension and wheel alignment - fluid levels - engine air filter - windshield wipers
  • Clean the interior. During the cold winter months, it is possible that your car has been a storage space for a lot of your stuff. It’s time to move those things back to where they belong. Losing an extra weight can actually increase your car’s mileage.
  • Clean the exterior. Ice and snow might have stuck to your car by now. Prolonging that might cause rusting in some parts. Take it to a car wash to say goodbye to those.
  • Flush and refill your car’s cooling system according to the service manuals’ recommendations. Periodically check them afterwards.
  • Have hard starts, rough idling, stalling, etc. corrected before hot weather sets in.
Of course, taking your car to a skilled technician is probably the best way in ensuring its performance and state for spring.
